Press Release Brussels, December 5, 2023
Next to the six certification schemes already existing under Polycert Europe umbrella, namely QA-CER (BE), AENOR (ES), Plastica Seconda Vita (IT), Wertstoff PET (RAL) (DE), DIN Geprüft (DE) and LNE “Matières Plastiques Recyclées” (FR) we are delighted to announce that CERTILOOP (TR), TZU-PQA (CZ) and CERTIF (PT) have just been approved as new certification schemes. The PolyCert Europe umbrella technical platform now counts nine certification schemes in total.
The certification bodies which are members of PolyCertEurope are working together to harmonise their audit methodologies across the EU Member States. All of them operate in accordance with their related certification scheme compliant with EN 15343 therefore ensuring the traceability of the recycled material or raw sourcing.
All certification schemes meeting the PolyCert Europe standard are treated on an equal basis and are united in their objectives to increase transparency in claims made by companies about the circular raw material they use which supports the transition to a circular economy for plastics and other industries.
PolyCert Europe gathers national certification schemes in a comprehensive system for plastic converters. PolyCert Europe brings organisations auditingon recycled contentin plastics together to share best practices and harmonise a set of minimum requirements for audit schemes. This also contributes to PolyCert Europe’s goal to harmonise and facilitate the verification of volumes declared on data collecting platforms.
CERTILOOP is an independent Conformity Assessment Organisation that certifies claims regarding the recyclability and recycled content of products across the entire value chain of the plastics and recycling sectors. It also conducts Recycling Process Traceability Certificate for Recycling Facilities. CERTILOOP is the authorised certification body of the Operation Clean Sweep Turkey Certification program developed by the global plastic industry to find a solution to the unintended microplastic loss. The main certificates provided by CERTILOOP are; Recycled Content Certificate (EN 15343), Recycling Process Certificate (EN 15343), Recyclability Certificate, Operation Clean Sweep Certificate.
CERTIF is a Certification Body Accredited by IPAC according to EN ISO/IEC 17021 (certification of management systems) and EN ISO/IEC 17065 (certification of products, processes and services).The scope of the accreditation includes the certification of plastic piping systems, with customers around the globe, and the service for granting the End-of- Waste status for recovered plastics where CERTIF is on the leadership of certifications in Portugal for several years.
TZÚ-PQA is a certification scheme for the verification of recycled content to ensure quality systems related to the recycling process and use of recycled materials. Both the recycled content and the quality of the end product are addressed in order to support the principle of sustainability. TZÚ- PQA certification scheme is based on the expertise of institute which is an ISO 17021 accredited body located in Brno, Czech Republic. Since 1996 it offers certification of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and several other managements system certification services. TZÚ-PQA is a part of the TZÚ (Textile Testing Institute, s.e.) and has been providing a wide scope of services for more than three decades. Today it is one of the key institutions focused on the testing and certification of textile and furniture products in the Czech Republic and Europe.
Thanks to these new certification schemes approved under its umbrella, PolyCert Europe is expanding its synergy with the MORE platform, designed to achieve the Circular Plastics Alliance (CPA) targets of 10 million tonnes of recycled polymers used annually between 2025 and 2030 set up by the European Commission.
*End of Press Release*
Media contact:
PolyCert Europe Address:
Avenue de Cortenbergh 71 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium